How to Add Text in Premiere

by paulhadley
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How to Add Text in Premiere

How to Add Text in Premiere: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Adobe Premiere and create a new project.

Step 2: Import the video clip you want to add text to. Drag it onto the timeline.

Step 3: Select the “Titles” tab in the top menu bar and choose “New Title” from the drop-down menu. This will open a new window with several options for creating titles.

Step 4: Choose your desired title style from the options available, such as text boxes, shapes, or graphics. You can also customize your title by changing its font, size, color, and other properties using the controls on this window.

Step 5: Once you have chosen your desired style and customized it to your liking, click “OK” to apply it to your video clip in Premiere Pro. The title will appear on top of your video clip in a separate layer that can be moved around or resized as needed using standard editing tools like selection boxes or transform handles (the small squares around an object).

Step 6: To add additional text elements such as subtitles or captions, simply repeat steps 3-5 until all of your desired text elements are added into Premiere Pro’s timeline view. You can then adjust their position and timing relative to each other by dragging them along the timeline view’s ruler at any time during playback or editing mode.

How to Create Titles and Lower Thirds in Premiere

Creating titles and lower thirds in Adobe Premiere is a great way to add visual interest to your video projects. Titles are text elements that appear on the screen, while lower thirds are graphics that appear at the bottom of the screen. Both can be used to provide information about a scene or person, or simply as an aesthetic element.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create titles and lower thirds in Adobe Premiere.

Step 1: Create a New Title
To begin, open up your project in Adobe Premiere and select “New Title” from the File menu. This will open up a new window where you can customize your title design. You can choose from various templates or create your own custom design from scratch using text, shapes, images and more.

Step 2: Customize Your Title Design
Once you have chosen a template for your title design, you can customize it by adding text elements such as headlines or body copy as well as graphics like logos or icons. You can also adjust font size and color for each element of the title design to make it stand out onscreen.

Step 3: Add Animation Effects
If desired, you can also add animation effects such as fades or wipes to make your titles more dynamic onscreen. To do this, select “Animation” from the top menu bar and then choose an effect from the drop-down list that appears below it. You can then adjust settings such as duration and speed for each effect until it looks just right onscreen.

Step 4: Create Lower Thirds
Lower thirds are graphics that appear at the bottom of the screen during video playback which typically contain information about people appearing in a scene or other relevant details about what is happening in the video clip itself . To create one in Adobe Premiere , select “New Lower Third” from File menu . This will open up another window where you can customize its appearance with text , shapes , images , etc . Once again , animation effects may be added if desired .

Step 5: Export Your Titles & Lower Thirds Finally , when all customization is complete , click “Export” at top right corner of window . This will save both titles & lower thirds into separate files which may then be imported into any other editing software for further use .

Tips for Adding Text Animations in Premiere

1. Start by creating a text layer in your timeline. To do this, select the “T” icon from the toolbar and drag it onto your timeline.

2. Select the text layer and open up the Effect Controls panel to adjust its properties. Here you can change font, size, color, and more to customize your text animation.

3. To add an animation effect to your text layer, select Animation from the Effect Controls panel menu bar and choose an effect from the list of options available such as Fade In or Wipe Up/Down/Left/Right etc..

4. Once you have chosen an animation effect for your text layer, you can further customize it by adjusting its duration or speed using keyframes in Premiere Pro’s Timeline window. To do this, click on the stopwatch icon next to each parameter that you want to animate (e.g., opacity) and then drag a keyframe marker along the timeline where you want that parameter value to change (easing out or speeding up).

5. You can also add motion effects such as scaling or rotation by selecting Motion from the Effect Controls panel menu bar and adjusting parameters such as Scale or Rotation accordingly with keyframes if desired for more dynamic animations!

6 Finally, don’t forget to preview your work before exporting it! This will help ensure that everything looks just right before sharing with others!

How to Use the Type Tool for Adding Text in Premiere

The Type Tool in Adobe Premiere is a powerful tool for adding text to your video projects. With the Type Tool, you can add titles, captions, and other text elements to your videos. Here’s how to use the Type Tool in Premiere:

1. Select the Type Tool from the Tools panel on the left side of your screen.

2. Click anywhere on your timeline where you want to add text and drag out a box with handles at each corner. This will be where you type in your text.

3. In the Text tab of the Effects Control panel on the right side of your screen, type in whatever text you want to appear in this box onscreen when playing back your video project. You can also adjust font size and color here as well as other formatting options such as bold or italicized fonts or underlined words if desired.

4. To move or resize this box containing your text, click and drag any of its handles until it is positioned exactly where you want it within your timeline view window or until it is sized appropriately for what you need it for within that space (e.g., if making a title card).

5 Finally, when finished editing all aspects of this particular piece of text within Premiere’s interface, click away from that area so that no more changes are made accidentally while working elsewhere within Premiere’s interface before moving onto another task related to editing this project further down its production pipeline path towards completion!

Working with Text Templates and Presets in Adobe Premiere Pro

Working with text templates and presets in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a great way to quickly create professional-looking titles for your video projects. Text templates are pre-made designs that you can customize with your own text, colors, and fonts. Presets are collections of settings that you can apply to any text template or title to quickly change the look of the title.

To get started, open Adobe Premiere Pro and select the Titles tab from the top menu bar. From here, you will see a list of available text templates and presets. Select one that best suits your project’s needs and click on it to open it up in the preview window.

Once you have selected a template or preset, you can begin customizing it by adding your own text, changing colors or fonts, adjusting animation settings such as speed or direction, and more. To add new elements such as shapes or images to your title design, simply drag them from the library onto the canvas area in the preview window.

When you’re finished customizing your title design, click “Save As” at the top of the screen to save it as a new preset for future use. You can also export it directly into an existing project by clicking “Export” at the bottom right corner of the preview window.

By taking advantage of Adobe Premiere Pro’s powerful tools for working with text templates and presets, you’ll be able to create stunning titles for all kinds of video projects quickly and easily!

Best Practices for Formatting and Styling Your Text in Adobe Premiere Pro

1. Use a consistent font throughout your project: When formatting and styling text in Adobe Premiere Pro, it is important to use a consistent font throughout the entire project. This will help ensure that all of the text looks uniform and professional. Consider using a sans-serif font such as Arial or Helvetica for titles, and a serif font such as Times New Roman or Georgia for body copy.

2. Utilize different sizes and weights: To make your text stand out, consider utilizing different sizes and weights of fonts within your project. For example, you can use larger fonts for titles and smaller fonts for body copy to create visual hierarchy within the text elements on screen. Additionally, you can also utilize bold or italicized versions of fonts to emphasize certain words or phrases within the text elements on screen.

3. Incorporate color into your design: Color can be used to draw attention to certain words or phrases in your project’s text elements on screen by making them stand out from other words in the same element on screen. You can also use color to create visual hierarchy between different types of texts (e.g., titles vs body copy). Additionally, you may want to consider using colors that are complementary with each other when styling multiple pieces of text together in one scene so that they look cohesive with one another visually speaking as well as stylistically speaking too!

4. Utilize tracking/kerning adjustments: Tracking/kerning adjustments are great tools when it comes to formatting and styling texts in Adobe Premiere Pro because they allow you to adjust the spacing between individual letters within a word or phrase so that it looks more aesthetically pleasing overall when displayed onscreen during playback mode! This is especially useful if you’re trying to fit multiple lines of texts into one scene without having them overlap each other visually speaking too!

5 . Use animation effects sparingly: Animation effects are great tools when it comes to adding some extra flair into your projects but should be used sparingly so that they don’t become distracting from what’s actually being said through the texts themselves! Consider using subtle animations such as fades-in/fades-out instead of more complex ones like spinners or zooms if possible – this will help keep viewers focused on what’s being said rather than how its being said!

Creative Ways to Animate Your Titles and Lower Thirds with Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful video editing software that can be used to create stunning titles and lower thirds. With its wide range of tools and features, you can easily animate your titles and lower thirds to make them stand out from the rest. Here are some creative ways to animate your titles and lower thirds with Adobe Premiere Pro:

1. Use Keyframes: Keyframes are a great way to add motion to your titles or lower thirds. You can use keyframes in Adobe Premiere Pro by selecting the clip you want to animate, then clicking on the “Effects” tab at the top of the screen. From there, select “Animation” from the drop-down menu, then click on “Keyframe” in order to add keyframes for each element you want animated.

2. Add Motion Blur: Motion blur is an effective way of adding movement and energy to your titles or lower thirds without having them look too busy or overwhelming. To add motion blur in Adobe Premiere Pro, select the clip you want animated, then click on “Effects” at the top of the screen followed by “Motion Blur” from the drop-down menu. From there, adjust how much blur you would like applied as well as how long it should last for each frame of animation.

3. Create Text Animations: Text animations are a great way to draw attention towards important information within your video project such as names or dates associated with it while also adding visual interest through movement and color changes over time. To create text animations in Adobe Premiere Pro, select a clip that contains text elements such as title cards or credits sequences then click on “Effects” at the top of screen followed by selecting either “Text Animation 1” or “Text Animation 2″ from drop-down menu depending on what type of animation effect you would like applied (ease-in/out effects work best). Once selected, adjust any parameters associated with this effect such as speed or color changes until desired results have been achieved before moving onto next step within project timeline!

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Adding Text in Adobe Premiere Pro

Adding text in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a great way to add titles, captions, and other graphics to your video project. However, there are some common issues that may arise when attempting to add text. Here are some tips for troubleshooting these issues:

1. Text Not Showing Up: If you have added text but it is not appearing on the screen, make sure that the text layer is above all other layers in the timeline. Additionally, check that the opacity of the layer is set to 100%.

2. Text Not Animating Properly: If you have added an animation effect but it does not appear as expected, make sure that you have selected a keyframe at each point where you want the animation effect to occur. Additionally, check that all of your keyframes are set up correctly and evenly spaced out along your timeline.

3. Text Not Appearing in Final Render: When rendering your project for final output, make sure that all of your text layers are enabled and visible in both preview and render mode within Adobe Premiere Pro’s settings menu. Additionally, ensure that any effects applied to your text layers are also enabled before rendering for final output.

By following these tips when troubleshooting common issues with adding text in Adobe Premiere Pro can help ensure successful results with every project!



1. How do I add text to a video in Premiere Pro?

To add text to a video in Premiere Pro, select the “T” icon from the top menu bar and then click on the “Type Tool”. This will open up a new window where you can type your desired text. Once you have typed your text, you can adjust its size, color, font and other properties by using the controls on the right side of this window.

2. How do I animate my text in Premiere Pro?

To animate your text in Premiere Pro, select the clip containing your desired text and then go to Effects > Text > Animate Text. This will open up a new window with several options for animating your text such as position, scale, rotation and opacity. You can also customize each animation by adjusting its speed or adding keyframes for more precise control over how it moves across the screen.

3. How do I add an outline around my text in Premiere Pro?

To add an outline around your text in Premiere Pro, select the clip containing your desired text and then go to Effects > Video Effects > Generate > Stroke Outline Generator. This will open up a new window where you can adjust various settings such as line width and color for creating an outline around your selected clip or layer of type within it.

4. How do I change font size in Premiere Pro?

To change font size in Premiere Pro, select the clip containing your desired type layer and then go to Effect Controls panel (located at bottom left corner). Here you will find several options for adjusting font size including point size (in pixels) or percentage (%) of original size relative to other elements within same frame/clip/sequence etc.. You can also use keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Shift+> (increase) or Ctrl+Shift+< (decrease) for quickly changing font sizes without having to manually enter values into effect controls panel every time!

5 .How do I make my titles move across screen with motion graphics templates?

You can make titles move across screen with motion graphics templates by selecting one from Adobe Stock library or downloading them from third-party websites like Envato Elements etc.. Once downloaded/selected template is imported into project timeline; simply drag & drop it onto title track above existing clips/layers so that they appear overtop when playing back sequence! Then use keyframes feature found under Effect Controls tab located at bottom left corner of interface – this allows users customize how their titles move across screen according different parameters like position X & Y coordinates etc..

6 .How do I create 3D titles with motion graphics templates?

You can create 3D titles with motion graphics templates by selecting one from Adobe Stock library or downloading them from third-party websites like Envato Elements etc.. Once downloaded/selected template is imported into project timeline; simply drag & drop it onto title track above existing clips/layers so that they appear overtop when playing back sequence! Then use keyframes feature found under Effect Controls tab located at bottom left corner of interface – this allows users customize how their 3D titles look different parameters like rotation X & Y coordinates etc.. Additionally; some advanced features may require additional plugins which are available through Adobe Exchange marketplace online store!

7 .How do I save my custom title designs as presets?

You can save custom title designs as presets by first creating them using either Type Tool within program itself or importing pre-made ones via Motion Graphics Templates feature found under File menu bar option at top right corner interface – once created design should be visible inside Essential Graphics Panel located next door Project Assets tab on left side workspace area! From here; simply click Save As button located near top center section panel itself followed by entering name preset would be saved under before clicking OK button confirm changes made were successful! Presets saved this way should now appear inside Presets folder inside Essential Graphics Panel whenever needed again future projects without having recreate entire design process all over again each time needed again!.

8 .What are some tips for working with texts efficiently while editing videos using Adobe PremierPro ?

Some tips for working efficiently while editing videos using Adobe PremierPro include: making sure all fonts used are properly installed before starting work; setting up default styles beforehand so that any changes made later don't require manual adjustments every single time; utilizing keyboard shortcuts wherever possible instead relying solely mouse clicks reduce amount time spent navigating menus unnecessarily; taking advantage auto-save features ensure no progress lost due unexpected crashes during workflow process lastly but not least – always previewing final product before exporting final version out ensure everything looks exactly way intended be seen viewers end!.